Internship - "One on One" - 5 days - April through JulyYou will be working "side by side" with me in the garden. Learn to cultivate, harvest, properly dry and process plants.
Options: you may choose to learn how to make tinctures, medicinal oils, teas, salves. Lean how to distill the essential oil of Lavender, Oregano Rosemary, Lemon Balm & more. Experience kitchen garden medicine and how to use and apply them in a safe and effective way. Get to know your plant allies and enjoy wondering along the Trinity River and mountains, collecting herbs in the wild. When: Between April through August, 5 days, arrive on Sunday, depart Friday, contact me early to reserve you space. Accommodation: Retreat Cabin Price: $700.00 includes teaching, accommodation, material and "take-homes" Food: an outdoor kitchen is available to prepare your own food. Location: Hyampom, Northern California, Trinity Mountains, 500 000 acres of wilderness. |